How to purchase Otzar Hachochma - Chabad Library

For $6 a month

Step 1: https://otzar.org.

Click English at the top left. You'll get this:

Step 1: Open the Box

Step 2: Go to Pricelist->Online Version

Step 2: Remove Contents

Step 3: Gives you this.

Make an account then buy the Chabad Library.

Step 3: Assemble the Parts

Step 4: How to use

once inside, you get a screen like this. On the right side, you have two fields. The top is for searching in a Sefer. The bottom is to pick a Sefer or Seforim to search in. I put Igros in that field, and checked Igros Kodesh of the Rebbe. Which means that now the top search field will only look for things in the Rebbe's Igros.

Step 4: Complete Assembly

Step 5: Search Example

Let's look for Simcha in the Rebbe's Igros. So I typed that above.

Step 4: Complete Assembly

Step 6: Results Example

There are lots of results, predictably. When I click any of those results in the top box, a tiny box opens over here (circled in blue). That tells me every page in that book that has Simcha in it. If I click any of those circles, it takes me to the page. And then the word is highlighted in yellow, as seen here.

(You can also mess around with advanced search in the top box. שמחה+ will give you prefixes, dashes make words appear in sequence, etc.)

Step 4: Complete Assembly

Step 7: Enjoy!

להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה

Step 4: Complete Assembly

Hayom Yom of the day I typed this up

יום שלישי, ט' אדר שני ה'תשפ"ד

Step 4: Complete Assembly